
We have tight spreads and minimal commissions that are really profitable to work with.

What are Stocks?

Stocks are issued by companies to attract users. Shareholders get promising securities which can grow in the future and the company gets additional capital. We suggest trading CFDs on stocks because they offer more opportunities, including leverage and more.

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Trade currencies, commodities and stocks worldwide. Open the platform in your browser and customize charts the way you want.

Trade Global

Trade Stocks

Every market is like any other, you buy or sell the asset of your choice. To pick the right stock, you need to analyze the instruments as well as the strategy you will follow.

CFD contracts on stocks

CFDs are a complex financial instrument that involves the use of leverage. With CFDs, you do not work with the underlying asset but only with its price. This enables you to open positions in both rising and falling markets.

The basics of stock trading

You should not buy an asset just because you like it. You have to think about the risks, study the commodity with the help of fundamental and technical analysis and choose a strategy which is appropriate for you. An ill-considered decision or a trade "on emotion" can lead to losses.

You have problems? Pacific Group managers will help you to overcome them!

Why to work with Pacific Group

Professional multilingual support

Resources for education, trading strategies and consultation

Fast execution of orders without slippages


High liquidity and wide range of products

Permission to use any strategies

Powerful trading platform