
Limit your losses with our tools and trade any commodity.

What are Commodities?

Commodities cover a wide range of assets, including energy, agricultural products and various metals. These commodities are highly liquid, as they are necessary for construction, food production, various goods, and more.

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Trading Commodities

Commodity trading has a number of drawbacks, like transportation, storage, and more. That's why many clients do not trade the underlying asset, but use CFDs. Thus, you are not buying or selling products, but only making deals with their value.

Purchase and sale of raw materials

First of all, you have to study the asset of your choice, find out what factors influence the formation of its value, and the period when the demand and supply reaches the highest level. We offer a wide range of analysis tools which will make it easier for you to analyze the raw materials.

CFD for Commodities

CFD is a financial instrument, in which you do not own it, but you can trade the price of the chosen commodity. This is a service, with the help of which you can exceed your deposit by 10, 20, 100 or more times, thus increasing your capital and your profit will be much higher. Pacific Group offers leverage from 1:10.

Do you have any questions? Our experts are here to help!

Why work with Pacific Group

Innovative technologies and advanced solutions

Real-time quotes from the best suppliers

Analysts, risk managers and other experts


Six different trading accounts with the best conditions

Problem-free deposit and withdrawal options

Protection against negative balance and cashback